

Muscle and Body Composition Progression Tracking

Project Overview

GroW is a quantified self tracking mobile application. Users have the ability to track their muscle growth and change. GroW tracks data through through the users’ camera, video-capture, or manual input. Open source 3-D rendering programs, which would be integrated into the application, have the ability to measure and quantify muscle growth.

Muscle growth and fat loss is then recorded and analyzed to bring the users new information. By comparing the different captures of each specific muscle, suggestions are formed based on the growth or loss of the muscle. Progressions can also be viewed based on fixed durations or specific training periods.

Project Name

GroW App


BFA Design


Fitness, Internet of Things


Targeting the gym-goer demographic, GroW focuses on capturing and analyzing the muscle increase (hypertrophy) and decrease (atrophy). Tracking muscle growth would allow users to monitor how and when their muscles are progressed.


User Needs

Motivation of gaining muscle

Time needed to see muscle growth

Focusing on specific muscle groups and definition

Knowledge of specific exercise for maximal muscle gain

Proportions for aesthetics


After all the user research and study is completed. We started ideation. It started with rapid paper prototyping to see which of the many features would have potential. In addition to rapid-prototyping, we created information architectures and users flow to assist with the feature list.


Through the use of 3D capturing, using the phone’s integrated camera, users are able to track the growth of their muscles. With this data, users obtain more information such as muscle definition and volume, muscle progression, and suggestions for underdeveloped muscles.

One of the main features of GroW is the 3D capturing and rendering of muscles. Using existing applications such as 123D Catch, which uses Autodesk software to construct and analyze 3D captures, GroW uses the same technology to capture data through the simple use of the camera. This could be done either through multiple images or video recording.


A common concept scenario a user goes through would start with them measuring a specific body part or muscle. Based off the scan measurements and user's goals, GroW would suggest a workout and exercises customized for the user.


After an accumulation of measurements are recorded, GroW gives the users trends based on their progress. Measurements and charts show if the user is improving or plateauing in their gains and weight lost.

Challenge Mode

One of the major issues that came up during user research interviews was the lack of motivation to workout. A common habit we saw in some consistent gym goers was that they worked out with a friend or partner. The challenge feature allows users to compete with their friends and work toward a common goal.